Friday, September 25, 2015

The Stitch Fix breakup...

*Warning* Not an etiquette post.  This is more along the lines of what not to buy*  Keeping an eye out for my fellow fashionistas!

I was so excited about the prospect of having someone else pick out some clothing pieces for me, ship them to my door, and send back what I don't want.  However, after trying this a few times, I'm underwhelmed and here's why:

1. I am charged a 20$ "styling fee" every time a box ships.

2. Prices don't seem to match those of other stores carrying the exact same product (more about that in the video below).

3. They place their own tags on the outside of the clothing (much like Nordstrom) but that makes me feel like I can't try on the clothes outside of my closet to decide if a dress that I'm paying 200$ for is going to work for me or not.

4. After 3 days if they don't have a tracking number, they start to bother you (this bugs because I have one of those community mail 9/11 and I can't fit the return bag in the slot!).

5. After they mark up their items, I end up with 300-500$+ bills every box! (I was getting one every two weeks...doesn't make for a happy hubby either).

I have to say, I agree with her, I don't like that I'm being taken.  I like bargains, but I also like nice things.  I love convenience.  I want all of that value when something is sent to me.  I can get that by shopping sales of brands I already know and love.  Yes I love the idea, but the execution is off.  I hope Stitch Fix figures it out and perhaps some of your more savvy shoppers will return.

Not impressed.

My two cents.

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